Horse Racing in Bardstown

Horse Racing in Bardstown, KentuckyNormally, when people think of horse racing and Kentucky, they think of one thing; the Kentucky Derby.  And the place they think of?  It’s not traditionally Bardstown–a fairly small, albeit charming, town.  They think of Lexington; a city deep in the heart of Kentucky’s horse country.  Lexington is where the legendary thoroughbred racing horses come for the Kentucky Derby, and it’s where they retire to their beautiful countryside farms, too. But that doesn’t mean horse racing doesn’t come to Bardstown.  Join us this April at My Old Kentucky Home, and you, too, can get a glimpse into the fantastic world of horse racing.  Book your stay at the elegant Bourbon Manor Bed and Breakfast.

My Old Kentucky Home Brings Us Horse Racing

While it’s true that there won’t be actual horse racing in Bardstown, there will be something almost as exciting.  Coming to My Old Kentucky Home State Park this April is a wonderful exhibit titled “Race is On!”  The exhibit opens on April 18, 2017, and will run clear through the Month of May.  In this exhibit, visitors will get to see  jockey silks from Mint Juleps and horse racing in Bardstown, KentuckyKentucky’s winningest horse farms, fanciful ladies derby hats, a sparkling collection of original coin-silver family julep cups, and a Kentucky Derby trophy. It’s a celebration of everything we love about the “fastest two-minutes in sports”–the Kentucky Derby.

After you’ve taken in your fill of horse racing paraphernalia, you may as well sample another staple of the Kentucky Derby; the Mint Julep.  The Mint Julep has been the traditional beverage of The Kentucky Derby for over a century.  Luckily for you, Bardstown is right in the heart of Bourbon Country, where we know how to make the best bourbon drinks around.  Head to the Bourbon Manor’s own Bunghole Bourbon Bar & Lounge for a mint Julep experience yo won’t soon forget.  We make each drink fresh to order using the freshest of ingredients.  At our bar, you’ll also find a delicious array of bourbon-infused Tapas and desserts, rounding out the perfect bourbon experience in Bardstown.  

Afterwards, retreat to the luxurious accommodations at the Bourbon Manor, where you’ll enjoy the best night of rest possible.  We look forward to your stay!